Monday, September 10, 2012


Nursing is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. There is just something about sitting there with my son in my arms with his little hand reseted on my chest and his little eyes just looking so content. I mean knowing that for the last 4 months I am the only thing that has kept him alive, he has lived solely on me. It is truly amazing. But lets not forget about what it has done to my boobs. My first attempt at nursing in the hospital the nurse asked me if I had implants. I was like, "no but thank you." I was pretty excited and took that as a great compliment. I went from a solid C cup to being a DD. WHAT! And I didn't even have to pay for them. Thus far they have kept their shape no deflated balloon look, or as my husband would call it no "nat geo" boobs, you know what I'm talking about I don't think I have to go into detail. So what do I have to complain about you may ask. Well there is nothing sexier than a nice pair of firm perky boobs to get your man in the mood. Yea until the ever sensual nipple drip begins. First of all what my husband doesn't understand is that when my boobs are at their firmest and he thinks the most appealing I am in pain and the last thing I want is him getting all up in my business. They are firm because they are full of milk and ready to explode. Before my son my boobs were my greatest weapon of mass manipulation. Now it is hard to think of them as anything more then a food source. I really do try but its just not the same. And I really do have the most supportive husband in the world but I know that there is a part of him that is slightly disappointed that my new and improved DD are not completely at his disposal. I guess for now my husband is going to have to understand that he just has to share.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


I am sick and tired of the looks I get when I tell people I am a "stay at home mom". You know that look, it is almost as if they feel bad for me. I am sure they picture me sitting at home in my pajamas eating Bon-Bons watching my soap operas. Now don't get me wrong I do enjoy my "Days of Our Lives" but I watch it between doing laundry, cleaning the house, and lets not forget taking care of my child. Oh you don't think thats enough well I also work part time from home. So no I am not "JUST" a stay at home mom. Now I don't want people to think I am looking down on moms that go back to work. That is not the case at all I mean people have to do what people have to do and for some staying at home is just not for them. I am just sick of the people who look at me like they pity my sad pathetic existents. I grew up with a stay at home mom and I would not change a thing about my childhood, not a single thing. My mom was always there when I needed her, I always had a home cooked meal clean clothes and the comfort and security of always having my mom near by. I enjoy staying home making sure I have a clean home and having dinner started for my husband when he gets home from work. (Ok who are we kidding this does not always happen, but I sure do try) Gasp...hand to mouth...I can hear all the feminist just disgusted, "what have we worked so hard to achieve for this bitch to stay home and wait on a man." Well in fact I live my life for two men, my husband and my son. And I do it because I want to. "Oh goodness the horror." Get over it, sure I have my Bachelors in English. So what am I going to do with the degree you ask? Well I guess that means I can read bed time stories well and maybe later down the line I will use it to write very persuasive letters why Liam missed first period. Again I am not knocking those who work, hell ya more power to you.  I am talking about those who think they are better than me because they work. Oh and did I mention that I do work from home, again that does not mean sitting in my PJ's with my laptop. That means waking up 3 hours before my son does so I can get my self together, pump and get some work together. It means getting as much work done as I can during nap times and on days when Liam decides naps just aren't in his schedule well that means staying up till 12am doing the work I didn't get done. Don't get me wrong I am not complaining I love my life. I love spending all day long with my sweet boy I love knowing that when his tummy hurts its me who will be there to comfort him, I love being there for all his firsts I can not imagine missing a single moment of his life. So thats who I am, I am a proud stay at home mom.  cgv xfvfddddxg   gcfff  รง˚
h (the random gibberish at the end was just Liam weighing in on the matter)

The men I live my life for

Lets Be Friends...

Yay, here I go my first post on my first blog. Ok so where to begin? Lets see, who am I? Well I am a daughter, a sister, a wife and my newest title I am a mommy.  So what has inspired me to start blogging? Since I have become a mom I find that I have developed a lot to say about a wide variety of things. Things from pumping and breast-feeding to sex and housework. I have never been one to censor myself and I am not about to start now. Maybe I should just apologize in advance to anyone I may offend.
I have a four month old son who I am completely obsessed with. Sometimes I think it might be an unhealthy obsession. But seriously I will post pictures and you will see he has one of those faces it is hard not to be obsessed with.  So why “Honey Where Are My Socks”? What wife has not been asked this infamous question by her husband or some variation of this question. I always tell my husband, “Please act like you live in this house too”.  I mean seriously how is it possible that I know where everything in this house is and he can’t even keep track of his own stuff.  But any ways, we will save the husband rag sessions for a later date.